Use Yoga to Solve Marathoner Problems: Anxiety + Doubt


“Calm and relaxed, I’ll run fast.” – Des Linden

Calm and relaxed — that’s how to toe the line on race day. Executing this requires practice. That’s right, practice being calm and relaxed. All the time. When you show up to your workout day, during a bad mile of a tempo, on a grueling long run... Calm and relaxed. It takes practice to replace doubt and anxiety with calm confidence, but the reward is huge — and extends far beyond running.


Mental focus training and physical relaxation — a combo of meditation and restorative yoga — strengthens your nervous system and actually adapts neural pathways in your mind, just like strength training builds muscle, ultimately helping you to become more resilient.

Your parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for “rest and digest” whereas your sympathetic nervous system is responsible for “fight or flight.” Most of us have chronically overworked sympathetic nervous systems, and a flood of cortisol and other stress hormones disrupting our rest and recovery — our calm and often our confidence as well.

You have the power to change this and use your nervous system to full advantage. Your mind is your most powerful asset — use it. Commit to daily mental focus training and watch those PRs fall. As little as 5 minutes of focused breathing, meditation, or restorative yoga can help reduce stress, ease lingering tension, and create pathways in your mind and body for real recovery. This will empower you to show up to the starting line calm, confident, and ready to manage any challenge more easefully.


Thank you for being here — for being a part of this marathoner solutions series. We hope you feel the difference on race day and beyond.

Keep sharing how you’re using yoga with #athletesforyoga! We’re always available for personal Reset recommendations — DM us!