Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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What will you practice in 2021?

2020 has brought into focus what truly matters, while blurring what’s no longer important. If you’ve been fluid in accepting the unfolding realities, you’ve adapted and grown more than you realize. Now, as we look to turn the page knowing more than ever that the only certainty is uncertainty, setting goals for the year ahead requires a new approach. 

Just as we’ve had to leave many things undone and instead embrace the unexpected lessons and growth available, we’ll need to flex the resilience we’ve gained during this extraordinary time to remain fluid in the months and year ahead. It’s time to practice.

When you use yoga to practice functional strength, strategic injury prevention, optimized recovery… you can universally apply these skills as you traverse the unknown — well past any race day (whether it happens or not). You gain balance and resilience when you refocus the pursuit of your goals as a practice rather than a rigid fixation on an end result. Dream big but stay fluid. This year, practice.

What will you practice in 2021?

Use the free A4Y Practice Plan to outline your next 30 days. And if you're not an A4Y Video subscriber yet, please use code PRACTICE for a free month.

Let's practice together —