Athletes for Yoga — Performance Yoga for Athletes

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Athletes for Yoga Pro Tip: Taper with Intention

Taper with the same intention as you train. If you left training to chance, it would never happen. No one finds time, or accidentally pulls off a strong training cycle. It’s conscious, it’s intentional, and it’s worth it. Approach your taper week(s) with the same tools and tenacity.

Here's how to optimize this critical stage of your training, and avoid the all-too-common taper tantrum:


Just like you schedule your week out during peak weeks, schedule out your taper weeks to the same degree. Make a list of videos you want to hit that week. Set your timer 2 x a day to put your legs up the wall and do Taper Meditation. Make a plan, write it down, and log it. Just like any other training week. 


You probably think about what you eat before a big workout and what you’ll eat straight after to recovery right. Plan your taper fuel. It’s not just about eating all the bagels, though that is part of it. But rather rebuilding your glycogen stores in the best way possible. Read more on Real Food with Steph.


Sleep can become a bit elusive during taper. The nerves are ramping, and the mileage and decreasing. You have energy for the first time in weeks. Be conscious about how you use it, and commit to sleep as much as possible. Turn off screens an hour before bed, take a lavender Epsom salt bath,  use How to Improve Sleep Meditation every night. Be serious about sleep. 


Take it easy — make it easy. Legs up the Wall is a great daily hit as you approach race day. 


Taper Meditation 
High Mileage Reset
How to Improve Sleep Meditation
Relax Deeply
Recovery Boost for Runners
Full Body Mobility

BONUS: Use 'Search' to find strategic videos to Reset muscles that need it most.

What are your best Taper Pro Tips? Share your journey with #athletesforyoga and follow #athletesforyogaprotips for more easy to use tips to use yoga to achieve your goals!